A quick intro to reactive programming: what is it and why should you know it?
Lately anyone interested in programming has been hearing the term “reactive programming”. It’s a promising and growing cross-technology trend that deserves the attention, because it brings together a whole package of new options and possibilities in some ways of application development. What is reactive programming? What is the difference between reactive and imperative programming? What are the pros and cons of reactive programming in back-end development? We’ll look into all that and more in the first part of our article series. Introduction to reactive programming The term describes creation asynchronous and event-based programs with the help of observable sequences. IO-bound tasks are being called asynchronously, keeping your threads available for other important tasks. Ultimately, this leads to a much more efficient utilization of CPU, making your applications less heavy and demanding. Systems that are built as reactive are · Highly responsive · Have better scalability · More reli...